Fugitive convicted murderer found dead in a park. (Photo: Yahoo News)
A Minnesota man who has been tagged as a fugitive convicted murderer who skipped out from his trial earlier this month has been found dead in Minneapolis following a manhunt, officials said Saturday.
According to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, Ralph Apmann, 58, was discovered dead in Minneapolis’ Boom Island Park on Friday night.
The fugitive convicted murderer, Ralph Apmann, was said to fail his final hearing. His found dead body was taken to the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office, where the cause and manner of death were determined. At the moment, the police are yet to wait for the post-mortem results.
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Fugitive convicted murderer found dead in a park. (Photo: The Daily Beast)
Apmann had posted a total of $150,000 bail after being charged with fatally choke-holding Juan Morales-Rivera, 40, of Worthington, in August 2021 at the Phat Pheasant Pub in Windom.
At the onset of his court hearings, Apmann was able to manage to attend the first ones. However, towards the end of his trial, he failed to appear in court, and authorities began searching for him, warning that he was armed and dangerous with an AR-15 rifle and a 9mm handgun.
At the time, investigators believed Apmann was going to the Twin Cities. It was a shocking surprise when authorities’ search ended up finding the dead body of the fugitive convicted murderer.