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Washington Bill That Allow Teenagers To Seek Abortion Or Gender Surgery Without Parent’s Consent

Washington Enacted Legislation That allow adolescents To Seek Abortion Or Gender Surgery Without Parent's Consent.(Photo: State of Reform)

The Washington House has enacted legislation authorizing shelters to keep runaway teenagers away from their parents in order for them to obtain abortion or gender surgery, which include the removal of a girl’s breasts or uterus.

Washington House has enacted legislation authorizing shelters to keep runaway juveniles away from their parents in order for them to obtain abortions. (Photo:

Teenager Seeking Abortion or Gender Surgery Is Listed Among The Strong Arguments in the Bill

Despite being portrayed by supporters as a bill to safeguard abused children, SB 5599 merely requires minors to be “seeking or receiving protected health care services” for a homeless shelter or “host home” to avoid reporting the parents or legal guardians, as is normally required by state law.

Currently, if a runaway teenager enters a youth shelter, the organization is required to notify the parents or legal guardians within 24-72 hours. However, state law allows for “compelling reasons” not to do so, such as the idea that notifying the parents or legal guardians will expose the kid to abuse or neglect.

The bill does not specify when or if the parents ever need to be notified of their child’s whereabouts. The bill adds youth seeking abortion or gender surgery to the list of compelling reasons while allocating $7.5 million to the Office of Homeless Youth Prevention and Protection Programs for “supportive care grants to organizations to address the needs of youth and young adults seeking protected health care services.”

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Existing state legislation defines “gender-affirming care” as including but not limited to the following procedures:

  • Breast augmentation
  • Chemical peel
  • Dermabrasion
  • Facial feminization surgeries
  • Facelift
  • Facial masculinization surgeries
  • Forehead brow lift
  • Genital modification
  • Hairline modification
  • Hair removal by electrolysis or laser
  • Hysterectomy
  • Lip enhancement
  • Reduction thyroid chondroplasty (chondrolaryngoplasty or tracheal shave)
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Skin resurfacing
  • Liposuction
  • Mastectomy
  • Penile implant
  • Voice modification

Two Policies Would Allow Adolescent To Run Away From Home To Seek Abortion Or Gender Surgery

When combined with HB 1469, which has passed both chambers, the two policies would allow adolescents from other states to run away from home, go to a Washington youth shelter, and seek an abortion or gender surgery without informing their parents. Furthermore, no medical documents relating to any of those services could be acquired.

Rep. Tana Senn, D-Mercer Island, stated, “I am speaking to youth across our nation, across our state, and across our communities.” “I see you, I affirm you, I hear you, I love you, and with this bill’s passage, we are saying Washington state does, too.”

The Department of Children, Youth, and Families must refer runaway youth to behavioral health services and services to “resolve the conflict and accomplish a reunification of the family,” according to a House amendment that requires OHY to gather information on the number of unsheltered homeless youth in the state.

Family reunion programs already in place include:

  • Short-term family counseling
  • Crisis Residential Center services
  • Referrals for substance abuse treatment and/or counseling
  • Referrals for mental health services
  • Short-term placement

Although SB 5599 does not address abuse or neglect, advocates addressing it on the House floor prior to the April 12 vote equated parents who refuse to acknowledge a child’s claim to be the other gender to an “unsafe” home environment.

“Kids’ lives are literally at stake,” said Rep. Nicole Macri, D-Seattle. “This bill is intended to keep them safe.”

Rep. Jim Walsh, R-Aberdeen, presented an amendment that would have inserted wording to the bill declaring that “the lack of adequate affirmation of a child does not constitute negligent treatment or maltreatment in and of itself.”

The clarification of our [current] law’s definition of abuse and neglect, according to Walsh, “is a helpful beacon in this confusion and misunderstanding.” “The standard for the state intervening in and interfering with family dynamics should be the existing statute that defines abuse and neglect. If a family situation does not meet the existing standard of abuse or neglect, then the state has no righteous role.”

Brandi Kruse, a journalist, and podcaster tweeted in response to the bill’s passage, “Not wanting your child to get gender transition care is now just as bad as physical abuse in Washington state and means the government can hide your kid from you. If not affirming your minor’s desired gender is abuse, what’s next? Removal from the home?”

The Senate will receive SB 5599 again for approval.

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