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Senator Feinstein’s Shingles Diagnosis Taken Her To A Heavy Toll As Concerns Arise That She Might Not Return To Senate

The Democratic Senator Feinstein declared that she had been diagnosed with shingles in early March in which her shingles diagnosis has taken a heavy toll on her.
Senator Feinstein's Shingles Diagnosis Taken Her To A Heavy Toll As Concerns Arise That She Might Not Return To Senate (PHOTO: Politico)

The Democratic Senator Feinstein declared that she had been diagnosed with shingles in early March in which her shingles diagnosis has taken a heavy toll on her.

The Democratic Senator Feinstein declared that she had been diagnosed with shingles in early March in which her shingles diagnosis has taken a heavy toll on her.

Senator Feinstein’s Shingles Diagnosis Taken Her To A Heavy Toll As Concerns Arise That She Might Not Return To Senate (PHOTO: Politico)


Democratic Senator Feinstein Was Temporary Replaced On Judiciary Committee Due To Her Shingles Diagnosis

The California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein 89-year-old has spent almost two months away from the Capitol, including a lengthy stay in the hospital before returning home to San Francisco to recover.

Three people who visited the senator in recent weeks who are informed of her shingles diagnosis claim that it took a heavy toll on her which grows increasingly concerned by Democrats who are close to Feinstein, as well as some top-ranking congressional associates that she may never return to Washington at all.

Although other intimates, including two who have seen her in the hospital or talked with her, emphasized that the senator could still serve the remaining two years in her term. However, neither of those people, who addressed her shingles diagnosis, indicated they were confident that Feinstein would be able to do so from Washington.

News from Politico reported that in a statement released on Wednesday after Feinstein’s health condition was first posted, the senator did not specify the expected date to return from work and said she has requested Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer to temporarily replace her at the Judiciary Committee so the panel could resume the process nominations.

Furthermore, a spokesperson from Schumer released a statement saying that although the Senate allows another Democratic Senator to temporarily replace Feinstein on the Judiciary Committee, Democrats could either pass a resolution through a 60-vote threshold or seek unanimous consent, which requires the support of all voting Senators. According to a Senate Democratic aide that Schumer is expected to pursue the unanimous consent request.

Feinstein’s temporary replacement request on the Judiciary panel is an acknowledgment that her absence has already forced her party to modify how they run the Senate, where Democrats can’t move President Joe Biden’s judicial picks without her vote.

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Sen. Democrats Feinstein Faces First Calls To Resign From Members Of Congress

The pressure rise on Feinstein’s shingles diagnosis, and some fellow Democrats to end her storied career on her terms.  Just this week, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) retweeted a post appearing to call for Feinstein to retire, even though it’s not clear whether the move constituted an endorsement of that position.

On Wednesday afternoon, Democratic Reps. Ro Khanna and Dean Phillips said Feinstein has to step down, as her lengthy absence from the Senate could risk Democrats’ ability to confirm more judges.

Khanna went further in a message to NBC News expressing that they endure a crisis in the judiciary with extremist judges stripping away women’s rights. Khanna added his statements saying “You can’t lecture on TV regarding the danger of these judges and then sit silently as Senator Feinstein misses vote after vote to confirm pro-choice judges”.

California is among the 36 states that allow the governor appoints a senator to hold the seat until the next regularly organized statewide election.

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