About $840 million in a state tax payment refund program has gone unclaimed by the taxpayers of California.

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Over $1 Billion Tax Refund In Unclaimed In California
Over $840 million tax refund was not claimed by the taxpayers in California, those taxpayers were sent through mail their debit cards last year containing their share of the Middle-Class Tax Refund.
As of April, only 18% of the 9.6 million card owners have not yet activated the card, and the Franchise Tax Board told GV Wire if they have not yet activated the card they will not receive the tax refunds. The Money Network has already started sending out letters to those taxpayers who have not yet activated the debit cards to remind them that they should immediately activate them to receive the unclaimed benefits. The debit cards must be activated before April 2026, if not then tax refund will not be eligible to claim by the one who filed the tax refund.
The Middle-Class Tax Refund goal is to help those Californians who were struggling and having a hard time copping up their finances last year with higher costs of taxes due to inflation and including the higher gasoline price.
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$1 Billion Tax Refund Not Yet Claimed In California
Most California taxpayers who filed their tax return in 2020 online already received a direct deposit refund on their bank accounts. If you have not yet activated your card, hurry and activate it now.
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