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Iowa Attorney General’s Office Says They Won’t Pay For Rape Victims’ Abortions Or Contraceptives

The Iowa Attorney General’s Office halted their practice of paying for emergency contraception, and in rare cases abortions, for rape victims.
Lowa Attorney General's Office Say They Won't Pay For Rape Victims' Abortions Or Contraceptives (PHOTO: Business Insider)

The Iowa Attorney General’s Office halted their practice of paying for emergency contraception, and in rare cases abortions, for rape victims.

The Iowa Attorney General’s Office halted their practice of paying for emergency contraception, and in rare cases abortions, for rape victims.

Lowa Attorney General’s Office Say They Won’t Pay For Rape Victims’ Abortions Or Contraceptives (PHOTO: NBC News)

Lowa Won’t Settle For Rape Victims’ Abortions Or Contraceptives

The Iowa Attorney General’s Office has paused paying for emergency contraception and abortions for victims of sexual assault, a move that drew criticism from some victim advocates.

Federal regulations and state law require Iowa to pay many of the expenses for sexual assault victims who seek medical assistance, such as the costs of forensic exams and treatment for sexually transmitted infections. Under prior attorney general, Democrat Tom Miller, Iowa’s victim settlement fund also paid for Plan B, the so-called morning-after pill, as well as other birth control to prevent pregnancy.

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