Exactly 43 years today the police finally identified the woman’s body found on Lake Erie in Ohio. A Michigan woman is believed to have been murdered.

Michigan Women: DNA Identifies Dead Women 43 Years After Body Found On Lake Erie (PHOTO: Sapiens.Org)
DNA Identifies Michigan Women Found Dead On Lake Erie After 43 Years
The dead woman believed to be murdered was identified after 43 years of searching. The woman was Patricia Eleanor Greenwood, born in 1948 and supposed to be 75 years old in the present, and lived in several cities in Michigan. According to the police report in Ohio, Greenwood’s identity was determined through DNA testing of her remains.
After she was identified, the investigators contacted family members and found out that she was one of 12 children that were given up for adoption in Michigan. March 30, 1980, when police found Greenwood’s body they identified her that she was a young woman who is wearing a “disco-style”. dress. No scars, jewelry, or items were identified in the body.
Police interviewed one of Greenwood’s sisters and she said that all she knows is that her sister Patricia has been a sex worker her brother also said that he hasn’t heard from her sister since the time her body was found near Sandusky.
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After 43 Years Michigan Women Dead Body On Lake Erie Identified By DNA Test
The U.S. Marshals never stopped investigating until they found an old teletype from 1980 in another missing person’s cold case file, and Porchlight Project a non-profit that funds DNA testing in Ohio offered help to fund Greenwood’s remains DNA test. Police identified her after 43 years of investigation but police have not determined any cause of death, but her death is considered a homicide. Police are expecting family members to contact them when they already announce it in Public.
Anyone with any information should contact the Sandusky Police Station at 419-627-5980.
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