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Justice Department Ordered Supreme Court To Appeal Court Ruling That Strikes Down Ban On Rapid-Fire Bump Stocks

The Justice Department on Friday ordered the Supreme Court to appeal the court ruling that struck down a Trump-era federal ban on so-called bump stocks.
Justice Department Ordered Supreme Court To Appeal Court Ruling That Strikes Down Ban On Rapid-Fire Bump Stocks (PHOTO: Reuters)

The Justice Department on Friday ordered the Supreme Court to appeal the court ruling that struck down a Trump-era federal ban on so-called bump stocks.

The Justice Department on Friday ordered the Supreme Court to appeal the court ruling that struck down a Trump-era federal ban on so-called bump stocks.

Justice Department Ordered Supreme Court To Appeal Court Ruling That Strikes Down Ban On Rapid-Fire Bump Stocks (PHOTO: The Epoch Times)

Justice Department Ordered Supreme Court To Appeal Court Ruling

Justice Department’s request comes as the high court has repeatedly declined to bother those rulings that favor the restriction on the device, including not considering a challenge to the federal ban in October. Bump stocks are a firearm issue that are attachments that essentially allow shooters to fire multiple rounds from semiautomatic rifles continually with a single pull of the trigger struck down by a federal appeals court Friday in New Orleans.

Gun rights advocates have contested the ban in numerous courts. The ruling by the 16-member 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is the latest on the issue, which is probably to be decided at the Supreme Court.

Moreover, In 2018, the ATF categorized the devices as machine guns under the National Firearms Act after then-President Donald Trump ordered a review of bump stocks. However, in January, the appellate majority argued that bump stocks were not covered by the law.

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The Ban Comes From Las Vegas Mass Shooting That Killed Over 50 People

The ban on rapid-fire bump stocks was initiated behind a sniper using weapons equipped with bump stocks slaughtered several people in Las Vegas in 2017. In 2010, bump stocks were no longer considered guns after ATF determined that they were only accessories of firearms parts.

The Justice Department said that the “devices allow a shooter of a semiautomatic firearm to initiate a continuous firing cycle with a single pull of the trigger,” comparable to semiautomatic firearms, following the Las Vegas shooting leads approximately 50 people died and hundreds injured.

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