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Lawmakers Criticize Biden Administration For Lack Of Transparency Regarding Classified Documents Found At Homes Of Current And Former Presidents

Joe Biden
Biden Classified Documents (photo : CNN)

Lawmakers have criticized the Biden administration for not sharing information about classified documents found at the homes of current and former presidents.

Joe Biden

Biden Classified Documents (photo : CNN)

Biden’s Classified Documents

Virginia Senator Mark Warner, a Democratic chairman of the Intelligence Committee, expressed his dissatisfaction with the administration’s lack of cooperation on the matter. He urged the administration to provide the documents, saying it is their “constitutional responsibility” to do so.

Warner claimed that they needed to see the documents to assess whether the intelligence community provided adequate protection and to mitigate the situation if the documents fell into the wrong hands. He threatened to issue a subpoena if the administration did not cooperate. Warner stated that he was not taking a partisan stance and would join his Republican colleagues in the House if necessary.

The documents were found at Mar-a-Lago, the Florida home and private club of former President Donald Trump, and at an office used by President Biden before he was elected. Biden has complied with requests to search for those classified documents, and records were also found at the home of former Vice President Mike Pence. However, requests to view the documents have been stonewalled.

Biden’s Administration On Classified Documents

Attorney General Merrick Garland confirmed that his office is working to make the information available to lawmakers, but they need to balance the concerns of ongoing criminal investigations with their oversight responsibilities.

A separate special counsel is investigating the documents found in Biden’s possession, while another is investigating Trump’s role in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol and efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre acknowledged that disagreements with elected officials occur but did not provide any further comments on the matter. Warner previously spoke with Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, and his office confirmed that changes were expected following their “frank but candid” conversation.

In conclusion, Warner and other lawmakers are urging the Biden administration to share the classified documents found at the homes of current and former presidents. They want to assess whether the intelligence community provided appropriate protection and take mitigation measures if the documents fell into the wrong hands. Attorney General Merrick Garland has assured lawmakers that his office is working to make the information available while balancing the concerns of ongoing criminal investigations.

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