Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that his country will place Russia’s nuclear weapons in Belarus as part of his game of nuclear blackmail with the West.

Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin announces transfer of Russia’s nuclear weapons in Belarus. (Photo: CNN)
Russia’s Nuclear Weapons To Fear U.S. and NATO
The move is seen as an attempt to raise fears of escalation as the U.S. and NATO allies consider arming Ukraine with more advanced weapons, including modern fighter jets, ahead of an anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive. Putin’s decision to transfer Russia’s nuclear weapons to Belarus aims to keep the nuclear threat in the minds of Western leaders.
While some analysts argue that moving nukes to Belarus may not change the course of the war dramatically, it shows Putin’s determination to enhance his power and compensate for his losses and inability to win on the battleground, according to a published article in The Hill.
The transfer of Russia’s nuclear weapons is also an attempt to create a circumstance in which Ukraine and its supporters decide it’s too much effort to fight. This, in turn, could normalize the use of nuclear weapons as an instrument of statecraft and could be seen in other parts of the world, starting with North Korea.
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Is it Legal to Transfer Russia’s Nuclear Weapons?
In a published article in The Guardian, the transfer of Russia’s nuclear weapons to another country is not prohibited under the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, meaning Russia’s action is not a violation of the pact. Putin has defended his decision to transfer the weapons to Belarus by citing the deployment of U.S. B61 nuclear gravity bombs in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey.
Daryl Kimball, the executive director of the Arms Control Association, believes the risk of a nuclear attack is still low because Russia would likely become an international pariah, even with nations that have remained neutral during the war.
Ukraine, on the other hand, accused Putin of “nuclear blackmail” and called for an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council, saying the world should be “united against someone who endangers the future of human civilization.”
The transfer of Russia’s nuclear weapons to Belarus highlights the potential dangers of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the need for global leaders to take a firm stance against the use of nuclear weapons. The world should work towards peaceful and diplomatic solutions to resolve the conflict, rather than resorting to nuclear blackmail and brinksmanship.
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