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Mayor Panzenbeck opposed Governor Hochul’s Urbanization Plan

Announcement from Mayor Pamela Panzenbeck to defeat Gov. Hochul’s New York housing compact plan to override local zoning.
Mayor Panzenbeck opposed Governor Hochul’s Urbanization Plan (PHOTO:

Announcement from Mayor Pamela Panzenbeck to defeat Gov. Hochul’s New York urbanization plan about housing compact plan to override local zoning.

Announcement from Mayor Pamela Panzenbeck to defeat Gov. Hochul’s New York housing compact plan to override local zoning.

Mayor Panzenbeck opposed Governor Hochul’s Urbanization Plan (PHOTO:

 Mayor Panzenbeck Opposed Hochul’s Zoning Override Proposal

The New York Leg­is­la­ture should re­ject Gov­er­nor Kathy Hochul’s pro­posal about the urbanization plan that would en­able NYS to over­ride lo­cal zon­ing if a lo­cal­ity does not com­ply with state quo­tas to create  af­ford­able hous­ing and to ad­dress New York’s se­vere hous­ing short­age. The Westch­ester Mu­nic­i­pal Of­fi­cials As­so­ci­a­tion, several Town Su­per­vi­sors, and May­ors opposed the urbanization plan to give the state power to over­turn lo­cal zon­ing.  According to Mayor Pamela Panzenbeck Governor  Hochul has included a housing plan in the 2023-24 New York State budget, which would dramatically impact our beloved Long Island communities if adopted.

The plan that would be very devastating to Glen Cove is that all land within a half mile of any train station would be rezoned to permit 50 units per acre. As Glen Cove is the residence of 3 Long Island railroad stations, this is inappropriate. Long Island towns and cities should have the power to decide for themselves what the appropriate land use is. The Governor’s urbanization plan should not be competent to override the local governments in zoning matters. Modifications such as she suggests would decimate the way of life and the historic nature and beauty of Glen Cove and our Long Island residents. The stress and strain on the infrastructure and schools would be unbearable.

The Governor’s Hochul’s Urbanization Plan Is Good But Should Be Place On other upstate New York communities

New York State is exquisite but diverse in its communities and the goal is to sustain autonomy in zoning decisions. The Governor’s urbanization plan which may work in Buffalo and other upstate New York communities will not fit here, said Mayor Panzenbeck. Imagine the properties along the Glen Cove train tracks being filled with houses.

Residents of Glen Cove and every other municipality on Long Island must voice opposition to this mandate. There is strength in numbers, allowed to create the voices heard in Albany. Ir urges all residents to reach the Governor’s office, your State Senator, and your Assemblyperson to tell them that these proposals are not in the best interests of Glen Cove or Long Island.


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