When the pandemic exposed nationwide income inequality US government began advocating Guaranteed Basic Income at the local, state, and federal levels.

Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot Programs Offer More Help Across The Country (PHOTO: The New Yorker)
The Guaranteed Basic Income In The US
As of today, Guaranteed Basic Income is popping up across the country. The action has already 100 mayors on board, and they’re getting county leaders to join the movement through Counties for a Guaranteed Income. Michael D. Tubbs the founder of GBI former mayor of Stockton, California, and special advisor on economic opportunity and mobility with California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office launched the first mayor-led program in Stockton by selecting 125 random people and guaranteeing them $500 a month for 24 months.
The Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration, also known as SEED, noted how participants spent the extra funds for repairs when their car is damaged, food, medical bills, and new shoes for their children. The pilot project concluded in February 2021. The Stanford Basic Income Lab has also mapped out pilot initiatives across the country.
Understanding More About Guaranteed Basic Income
A guaranteed basic income is a direct cash payment from the government that provides people with money regardless of their job status to support their basic needs. The movement is implanted in racial justice and was first touted by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black Panther party.