53,000 Cook County homeowners start receiving tax refunds for overpaid property taxes for up to three months.

53,000 Cook County homeowners start receiving tax refunds for overpaid property taxes. (Photo: Fox 32 Chicago)
Cook County Homeowners to Start Receiving Tax Refunds
For the span of three months, Cook County homeowners are to receive automatic refunds for overpaid property taxes last year. 53,000 county homeowners are to receive over $47 million in overpaid property taxes according to the Cook County Treasurer’s Office.
These refunds are for property owners who paid their 2021 first installment taxes due in the first half of 2022. According to treasurer’s office spokesman Andrew Gavrilos, the refund is around $883. Maria Pappas of the treasury department also said that if you are supposed to receive your refund, it will automatically hit your banks or through the mail.

53,000 Cook County homeowners start receiving tax refunds for overpaid property taxes. (Photo: ABC7 Chicago)
The Reason for These Refunds
To answer why homeowners are getting refunds, all you need to do is check the published post by Chicago Sun Times.
A great amount of these refunds are for homeowners who left out tax exemptions for the first installment tax bill. But there are those with exemptions applied for the second installment tax bill. This will reduce the total taxes due to the payers. The missing exemptions commonly found were: homeowner, senior citizen, senior freeze, and disabled persons.
Here is the refund breakdown:
- $14.8 million will be automatically deposited to 16,629 homeowners who paid their property taxes online;
- $14.8 million will be mailed to 22,241 homeowners who paid their taxes through a ban or mortgage escrow account; and
- $17.4 million will be given via check or cash to 14,137 homeowners who overpaid taxes totaling
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