The Middle-Class Tax Refund has been giving recipients money since October 2022 and, the latest round of payments, which could be worth upward of $1,000, to a group of California residents will be completed.

The Middle-Class Tax Refund has been giving recipients money since October 2022 and, the latest round of payments, which could be worth upward of $1,000, to a group of California residents will be completed.
The Middle-Class Tax Refund
Since October 2022 the Middle-Class Tax Refund has been giving recipients money who filed their 2020 taxes by October 15, 2021. According to California’s Franchise Tax Board, the latest recipients to get their payments are those who received their 2020 tax refund via direct deposit and have since changed their banking information after filing their 2020 tax return.
These recipients started receiving their refunds on December 17 of last year, and all of the refunds for this group will be distributed this January 14, 2023. Married or joint filers must have had an adjusted gross income of $150,000 or less for the 2020 tax year to be able to avail of the $1,050 wholely. Moreover, the least amount of money that one can have from this refund will be $200, it will be given to single filers who had an adjusted gross income between $125,001 and $250,000 for the 2020 tax year and who do not have dependents.
For The Debit Card Recipients
The only remaining group of people who are still waiting for their payments is debit card recipients who have changed their address since filing their 2020 tax return. They will receive their payment sometime between Jan. 30 and Feb. 14.
A total of 7,020,930 refunds have been distributed to recipients from the Middle-Class Tax Refund totaling over $8.7 billion given to people as of December, 30. Additional information can be seen by visiting California’s Franchise Tax Board’s website or by calling 800-542-9332.
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Here’s An Overview Of California’s Middle-Class Tax Refund
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