New Orleans Entergy customers will receive some money back in the new year.

New Orleans Entergy customers will receive some money back in the new year.
New Orleans Entergy
The president of the New Orleans City Council says that the the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved a $65 million refund to customers of Entergy New Orleans. Helena Moreno, a councilmember, claims that the refund make up for Entegy accounting mistake made by clients.
According to FOX8 news, The FERC found System Energy Resources, Inc., an Entergy subsidiary, overcharged consumers for over two decades and ordered refunds of hundreds of millions of dollars for the Company’s tariff violations.
The Preliminary Refund Proposal
Based on the preliminary calculations made by the regulators in response to FERC decisions, refunds due to consumers, excluding Mississippi customers, will total close to $600 million.
About $160 million would be owe to Entergy Louisiana customers, $190 million to customers served by Entergy New Orleans and $241 million to Entergy Arkansas consumers.
Accourding to Moreno, a recent decision permitting federal block grant money to be utilized by utility providers to cover storm expenses instead of being passed on to customer may result in more relief for New Orleans ratepayers in the upcoming years.